Your Creativity Reminder
Hey! You! Yes, You! You are a CREATOR!
The amazing people each of you have become is a reflection of your values, your community of family, friends, and teachers, your achievements, the challenges you have overcome, and the challenges you are still struggling with.
These elements all come together to make you the most unique person you can be.
Growing up in a family of artists I gained valuable insights and lessons about how to navigate life while investing in the most reliable resource I know, myself.
Those lessons and gifts were helpful. Some were funny, some were challenging, and some were inspiring. And the most important one has stayed clear in my mind for years.
This is what I would like to share with you today.
But first, when we think about the word “artist” we typically think they are a painter, a singer, a writer, or a sculptor maybe. And usually, there are one or two works by that artist that comes to mind first. Those artworks are known as their masterpieces.
Well, the message that I am here to tell you is that we are all artists. You are creating your own masterpiece, whether you think you are or not…
This masterpiece is the canvas of your life.
And we know this because of three things -
Creativity is your superpower because it is how you interpret the world around you.
We know this because Creativity is your unique ability to produce new results.
And as you continue to fuel your Creativity, you will see that no one can take it away from you because it is an essential and genuine aspect of who you are.
Together, these three notions contribute to the most important masterpiece you will ever work on, which is your life.
For example, Vincent Van Gogh created Starry Night, who here has seen a picture of this painting?
A beautiful night landscape depicting the moving winds and the lush, green, Italian landscape. While most of us will look at a gorgeous painting like that and enjoy it, we don’t always know why it was made. What most people don’t know is that he painted that specific artwork when he was in a hospital bed, struggling to maintain his mental health.
As he looked out his window, he could only see a vast green horizon and the sky. Months of looking out the same window inspired him to challenge his vision in new ways by painting at different times of the day or specifically focusing on how to capture the essence of the night sky.
In Starry Night, he depicts a mesmerizing landscape that continues to draw you in. That’s because he looked to the night sky for hope and for an escape from his room.
He used his creativity to examine and interpret the world around him in a visually captivating way. He used his creativity and his experiences to develop a new perspective of life.
However, when we all look at this painting, we will all pick out something different to focus on.
This is because of point number one, we all interpret life around us differently. Some may pick out the trees, or others the stars. And we will each have different reasons for choosing those aspects.
And with that point, there is a deeper lesson to learn -
Everyone who looks at your masterpiece won’t see the same thing that you do.
While this may feel confusing, it’s important to remember that seeing differently is okay. It can be difficult for others to see what you see, feel what you feel, and think what you think because they haven't made your choices, or used your tools. They haven’t had your experiences or seen your colors.
This is because of point number two, we all utilize our creativity in ways to produce new results. Not to produce the same results as everyone else or to copy what has already been done, but to spark innovation and inspiration within ourselves and others.
With that in mind, this shows us that what other people say or think about you and your masterpiece, doesn’t matter
And that is because of point number three, no one can take it away from you because your masterpiece is developed from your unique creative perspective. No one else has the same creative mindset that you do.
While some of you will make masterpieces with paint and canvas, some with chemicals and test tubes, some with music and lyrics, and others with words and computers - you are each adding to your masterpiece on a daily basis.
My grandfather, who was an internationally renowned artist used to say:
“When I was done painting I would look at the artwork and ask myself if this painting were to hang in one of the most prestigious museums in the world such as the Louvre in Paris, France, would I be proud? Would this artwork exude Matt Lamb’s essence? Would this painting instill emotion and inspiration into its audiences?”
If the answer was yes, he would sign it and the artwork would be complete. If not, he would reflect on it for a while and continue to create and add to it in new ways.
As you go into this new season of life you will face new problems and you will have new paths to take. Your canvas might change as you evolve and that’s okay.
However, by staying true to yourself and your masterpiece, focusing on your genuine and authentic intentions in life, respecting others for their values and their masterpieces, while empowering your uniquely creative superpower, you will be able to:
Make decisions clearly
Adapt in the face of challenges
Learn from your mistakes
Accept differences that you don’t fully understand
Align with your values
And achieve your goals
All the while, making the world a better place.
Therefore, we have come to the most important aspect of these three points which is:
You must continue to create your masterpieces in bold, brave, and beautiful ways, using all of the colors and trying all of the techniques, and making up your own visions as you go along because no one can create a masterpiece quite like you.
I have complete and total faith in you all to use your creative superpowers to make the world a better place! And I am so thankful to be able to be here to celebrate you and your accomplishments today and every day!
It’s time to create!
For more information on how to empower your unique creative superpowers - check out my #1 Best-Selling Kindle Book
Creativity is your unique ability to produce new results! Don’t lose sight of your creative strengths. Allow them to empower your goals, both personal and professional!