Curiosity & Creativity

Together, this power couple of connection can instill magic into your lives.


Curiosity is the fuel for the creative fire. When we desire to learn more, to know more, to do better, or try harder, we begin to question our current efforts. And while this may seem like it has to be a reaction to something negative, that is not always the case. Sometimes we want to take an efficient process and make it more effective, simply to make it more approachable to others.

In my book, “The Creativity Gene” I tell a story about how Dr. Ericka Stoor-Burning developed a new way to teach CPR. While a lot of the movements are the same, there is only one aspect that was needed to explore in order to make this course accessible to underprivileged areas. And the problem that started it all was the cost of the mannequin itself. These stuffed human teaching tools are the most vital piece of equipment needed in order to properly understand how to effectively execute CPR. However, their price makes these courses difficult to come by in third world countries, and so on.

Dr. Stoor-Burning simply began to question what else could be used that could effectively implement the same teaching ability, without the cost. Through trial and error for months, she finally came to an exciting conclusion. And it was as simple as holding onto an empty liter bottle of soda.

This small discovery will continue to make a HUGE impact across the globe. A bottle of soda is way more accessible cost-wise than a perfectly built human-shaped pillow.

See, in this case, the process was already effective. Dr. Stoor-Burning simply wanted to find a way to extend education in a more accessible manner.

Education continues to spread through our questions, and our questions continue to make creativity blossom. There doesn’t have to be a crisis to use your natural curious abilities to induce creative growth. You can simply begin to think about how to make something different, more accessible, more approachable, more effective.


This mindset is not normal for us to contemplate. We’re used to the phrase “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, if we always continue to think in this manner, we would never evolve. We would continue to stay where we are, and we would struggle. The world would continue to have evolving needs, and we wouldn’t be able to meet them appropriately. Therefore, taking the time to instill curiosity into your everyday life is a fantastic way to continue to inspire creativity in your personal and professional development, while positively impacting the lives of others.

The more we ask, the more we make. And the more we make, the better off we all are.

What are you waiting for?
It’s time to create!
