Christmas Gift Guide for Readers

What do I buy someone who reads a lot?!


What are some great gifts for readers, you ask?! For the holidays or year round?

As an avid reader, I am often asked what I would like for Christmas! Books can be difficult to get for readers, unless you really know what kind of genre is their favorite. So, I decided to come up with some amazing gift ideas for the readers in your life that everyone can appreciate, no matter what kind of books they enjoy!

  • A Candle: Reading can be a very calming experience, and a candle adds to that beautiful ambiance. Especially when it gets dark at 4:30PM!

  • A Mug: Another great option for those morning and evening readers. Nothing pairs better with a great book than a cup of tea or coffee!

  • Book mark: I can’t tell you how many times I have had to use a ripped open envelope as a book mark! I hop around my books, and I usually ready two or three at a time, having A LOT of book marks makes that process smooth and more enjoyable!

  • Book light: Book lights are great for night readers who don’t want to mess with their sleep schedules too much. When you turn on a table lamp, it can illuminate the room and make it more challenging for you to sleep during reading, and it can accidentally trigger your mind to wake up. Therefore, if the light is directed specifically at the book and you’re still surrounded by darkness, you may find it easier to fall asleep.

  • Book ends: This gift is fun for the readers who like to keep their books on display! Having some new book ends will give their shelves and face lift, and who doesn’t love looking at beautiful, freshly organized book shelves?!

And a bonus gift suggestion:

A Deck of Book Recommendations: People who read a lot can get incredibly distracted by all of the different lists of books to read out there! However, my first go-to resource is always friends who have read similar books to me. If you have some great recommendations, make a few cards depicting your favorite books with short explanations why you loved it and have fun with it! Handmade gifts are always the best!

Happy reading and happy gifting!