26 in 26.
26 in 26
Life and lessons from this past year.
26 things I learned in my 26th year
26 was a roller coaster of a year.
26 will go down as one of the most significant years of my life. It was full of ups and downs. However, I learned so many lessons and had such a wide range of experiences throughout those 365 days. The most influential moments normally occur during the time between the downs and ups. I believe this is universal. We all have experiences to share that will give knowledge to our communities. Below are some of those lessons I have either learned or re-learned this year. Some are fun, some are hard, some are challenging, but most have inspired me. I am thankful for these lessons and the path they have guided me into my 27th year.
Check out some of my thoughts and let me know what yours are from the past year!
- I have not read enough and my book list is now a mile long! Always welcoming for more book suggestions - Bring it on!
- I'm becoming more excited about dancing in every way! It's so fun whether it's alone, with one other person or a group of people and it can be from the 90's or Latin or just a fun jazzy beat. Dancing is powerful and dramatic but I love it.
- Some friends won’t stay in your life forever. This is one of the hardest aspects of life for me to accept.
- Stand-Up comedy is terrifying but creatively challenging and rewarding!
- Improv Comedy in general forces you to recognize and release the most genuine version of yourself.
- I will travel consistently for the rest of my life, near or far, it’s happening.
- Quitting a job you love might be difficult but necessary if it’s actually a toxic situation.
- Having time after quitting said job is okay. Almost like a mini retirement. It gives you time to think and refresh.
- Going back to school or getting further education in one way or another is always a good idea. Enhancing your skills you have or fostering new ones only make you a better and more interesting person.
- I really enjoy team building! Creating and experiencing activities that unite a group of people is one of my ultimate joys.
- I thoroughly enjoy being a morning person and going to sleep early. The mornings are beautiful and quiet. Who would have thought?!
- Being healthy, working out and eating right is so important! I can really see and feel the difference when I stick to a routine.
- Furthermore, building the routine is key to keeping up with the healthy stuff.
- Being in love is amazing. Being in love with your best friend who also supports you like a partner is even better.
- Open and honest communication is the most important aspect to any of my relationships.
- I don’t drink enough water and am now on a mission to up the intake. H2-WHOA!
- I will always go for the same square shape basket at the grocery store because I love grocery shopping and I know if it fits in that basket I can carry it home.
- I love working with people from different cultures or professions and backgrounds in general because of the new perspectives I gain.
- I love going to art galleries and museums with someone who can guide me. It changes the whole experience when you have someone with you who is able to explain the progression of the exhibition and the meaning behind the specific artworks.
- Writing will always be an important part of my life whether it’s for myself or for others. Can’t stop, won’t stop.
- Investing time, research and experimenting into cooking has been one of the most exciting new skills I am trying to enhance and understand more.
- I’m becoming more comfortable with the idea of having children one day. I have said for the past 6 years that I don’t want kids, but several experiences of loss and a newly instilled desire to share life have changed that mindset for me.
- Everyone has a story to tell. No one is empty. We can learn from everyone.
- We all have so much more in common than we realize. Focusing on these commonalities will help us to understand others and better ourselves.
- I still don’t handle death very well. I struggle with my memories on a daily basis of the people I love that I have lost.
- I have begun to enjoy cleaning my apartment and being more organized than ever before, but my closet still remains a mess and probably always will.
26 years on this planet and I have loved it. The good parts, the bad parts; from the moments of clarity and the fits of laughter. Every single step has brought me to where I am now and I don’t think I could feel any better going into my 27th year. I am so thankful and lucky to have such an amazingly loving and supportive community in my life. I am so ready to see what this year brings.
Again, please pass along any thoughts or lessons you would like to share from your last year! I love learning and hearing lessons and thoughts, small or big, something that will share greatness and acceptance with others. I love and appreciate it all.
Till next time,
Thanks for checking out "26 in 26" and remember:
Life is art & we are all artists.
-Ranting Rose