Makers gonna make.
Makers gonna make.
“To make living itself an art, that is the goal.” -Henry Miller
I don’t know who Henry Miller is, but he’s got it going on. Wikipedia says he’s an important writer in the 1900’s. Dude, I want to know more.
“Art teaches nothing, except the significance of life.” - Henry Miller
“You can call a fake noodle an impasta.” - Henry Miller
….Just kidding. Mr. Miller didn’t say that. Pinterest did.
Explaining what “Art” is can be difficult sometimes. The Oxford Dictionary defines “Art” as the following:
“The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”
Thanks for the wisdom, Oxy... However, I don’t believe this is where “Art” ends.
1. Traditional Explanation
YES! I do believe that the traditional meaning of Art, such as from the Oxford Dictionary above is included in my understanding of Art as a whole. Painting, Sculpture, Music, Theatre and so on. I appreciate these forms of art and recognize their importance in our understanding of creative expression today. Without these standards, we wouldn’t be able to evolve or create new forms and have methods of comparison. Well done, Art Critics and Historians!
2. Emotional Reaction
I deeply believe in the necessity for artwork to generate an emotional response of some sort. Whether someone loves it, hates it, laughs at it, is motivated by it, enjoys it, cries because of it or is even indifferent towards it - all of these are emotional reactions. Your mind is being stimulated in one way or another and is providing you a response that will either engage you or bore you and with show you what your interests are. Even experiencing what you don’t enjoy is a good way to appreciate what you do love more.
3. Communication
I believe that the purpose of the artwork should be communicated via the medium, an experience or through the artist’s intention. It may not be easily understood from the first moment, yet, I think that it is important for the artist’s audience to either have previous knowledge or to learn via the experience what the motivation is for the creation of this artistic expression.
Even when Barry the Barista is designing a cappuccino. Because of my insane love for all things coffee, I have invested time and research into understanding the difference between different coffee based drinks, or even where the coffee beans come from. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE, PEOPLE! Barista Barry is making your caffeinated drink as a work of art and his message is to add a little happiness, energy and creativity to your day. That’s an impressive and artistic skill, Barista Barry, keep it up. Hot coffee drinkers appreciate it “a latte.” ;)
4. Public Consumption
Art isn’t needed to be made or displayed only in the public eye for it to be art, however, I believe it is important that it is made with the intention of being publicly consumed in one way or another. This is because I find it fascinating to discuss and debate and learn from other's perceptions of a creative expression. I can have my own opinion, however, it provides such a lasting experience when I hear what someone else thinks. This doesn't influence my thoughts, but it provides another understanding of it and that is what we can learn from. This further instills my desire for mindfulness in an experience with an artistic expression. In Art, there is rarely one "correct" answer or message to receive. TAKE THAT, MATH.
5. Sensory Experience
I thoroughly enjoy experiencing artworks that stimulate different aspects of our senses, or even more than one at a time. It adds depth and excitement to the experience of it as a whole and, I think, leaves a lasting impression.
This past summer I rode on a bike while wearing a virtual reality helmet that took the viewer on a journey through a floral vortex. You smelled the flowers that decorated the helmet, saw a virtually stimulating and colorful path ahead of you while riding on a stationed bike. WHAT. It was a completely unique experience with different forms of art and included the world around me.
Additionally, I recently went into an art gallery in Venice where the floor was made of sand, the lights were dimmed and there was a smell of incense in the room. It left an impression on my experience as an art gallery that hasn't been paralleled to any other. I'll review that experience in the future as well - look out for Beatrice Burati Anderson Gallery review soon!
6. Expression of Passion
I don’t think art is a subject that has to be formally taught. I don’t think that it is necessary to learn in a classroom and I don’t think there are specific steps for the progression and development of an artist’s abilities. I think it can be grown out of passion for something. Maybe the passion stems from simply curiosity such as from a desire to know more about oneself or learn more about a certain genre or medium. However, I think that if someone radiates their passion through this creative outlet, it can be easily noticed and, therefore, appreciated.
ART IS EVERYWHERE! Henry Miller gets it and I want to find more ways to share it!
This is my main objective for this blog. I would like to take some time, with some talented people and showcase how their creative passions can and can be classified as “Art.” Some of these people you may not have considered “artists” before and some maybe you would have. You may not have thought of some of their talents, skills, professions or passions to be “artistic” and some you might have. However, I think after learning a little more about why people do the things they do and express themselves creatively in doing so, I think together we will all start to see how “Art” can be found in more places than we originally thought.
What are some criteria you have for defining what art is? I'd love to hear more perspectives!
Till then....